Well never though my work will be featured in the Dutch Playboy. January 2014 Editor-in-Chief Playboy Patrick Goldsteen called me and I can't believe they really gonna publish it. But here you go .. Alex has made it into to dutch Playboy magazine issue 3 Tech Edition.I finally have an excuse to buy one.
Lighting and model reference
Zbrush hair sculpting
Rendering in maya and peachfuzz
Always nice to see how a portrait turn out when u convert to black and white. This is with infrared filter.
A draft render with added scraggle and irregularity to the hair.
After some haircolor swapping finally decide to for blond. Somehow i think my initial skincolor already determine her haircolor. Still tweaking some hair strokes. Unfortunately she still got that fake blond look. I need more time to balance the colors and textures
Hair modelling